Jumping into Fortnite Chapter 6 Zero Build as a new player can feel overwhelming, I know because I am one lol. But don’t worry whether you’re a casual gamer or aiming to climb the ranks, focusing on these five areas will help you improve and enjoy the game more. Also check out my top 5 Drop Spots♥ HERE ♥. Ok Let’s dive into the essentials.
When I first started playing, I assumed aim training was the most important skill to practice. However, I quickly learned that for me it was not. Analyzing my gameplay replays was a game-changer for me. Watching my fights helped me understand when, how, and why I was losing battles. For example, I often thought I was staying behind cover during fights, but replays showed me stepping out into the open without even realizing it.
This habit of reviewing my mistakes helped me identify areas that I needed to improve on the most. My husband even pointed out how often I left good cover—like rocks or trees—to fight in the open. Seeing it for myself in replays made it easier for me to believe because the recording doesn’t lie and I could start working on correcting this bad habit. I also figured out from my recording that my crosshairs were always in front of players and I spent a few seconds every fight trying to line up on targets going back and forth so I lowered my sensitivity way down and my aim got a little bit better just from that. If you’re serious about improving, start with replays to get a clear picture of what’s going wrong and what’s going right. You might be surprised to find out it might not be your aim that is losing you most of your fights.
This brings us to the next big tip: stay behind cover! I used to find myself out in the open far too often, which usually ended with me heading back to the lobby. Even when I was behind cover, I had a bad habit of stepping out unnecessarily to take shots at enemies.
Now, I’m focusing on staying behind cover and peeking to shoot instead of exposing my entire body or trying to run up on every player. It’s not easy to break old habits, but I’m working at it and staying mindful of positioning during fights has already made a difference in my survival rate.
Switching from a controller to an Azeron keypad and mouse has been a big adjustment for me. (Check out my video on this setup ♥ HERE ♥.) One thing I’m learning is the importance of carrying at least one utility item, like Shockwave Grenades or the Oni Mask, to escape tricky situations.
I used to carry three guns, med packs, and shield pots, jokingly calling myself our team medic. It was also really nice for anyone that killed me they would get my med packs and shield. My husband would tease me, saying, “Just pick up meds and shields from the enemies you defeat!” Now, I’m starting to see his point. Practicing movement with utility items isnt easy but it has helped me stay alive longer and escape dangerous situations and reposition during fights better when I use them right lol. If you’re not already using utility items, start experimenting with them like I have been—they’re a lifesaver when you get it down.
Vehicles are a crucial tool in Fortnite Chapter 6’s open map, but using them effectively takes practice. Most new players like myself think of vehicles as a way to fight, so jump in, drive to the fight, jump out and fight and that’s about it. But what I’m learning is to position my car between myself and enemies for cover and to exit on the passenger side so I can avoid unnecessary damage.
In the past, I’d drive up to enemies, jump out on the wrong side, and take significant damage before even firing back. Sometimes I’d jump out of the car going full speed, leaving my car flying down the map far away from me or stuck in a building when I needed it to make a fast getaway. Watching replays helped me see these mistakes and adjust my strategy. Now, I’m working on being more intentional about how I use vehicles for both offense and defense.
Finally, let’s talk about aim training, my least favorite thing to do.
While it’s important, I don’t think it’s the first thing new players should focus on. Movement, cover, and positioning are more critical early on to me as a new player. That being said, I still do dedicate 5-20 minutes, if not daily then every other day, to aim training before jumping into matches. It’s just 10 minutes-that’s what I tell myself.
If I can outmaneuver and outposition my opponents, I’ll have more opportunities to take them down. As my overall skills improve, my aim will naturally get better too. I still practice my aim training, just not as much as I do the other things on this list.
I get nothing from recommending these maps. This is just truly what I have been using, per my husband’s recommendation and help.
Shooting Range (Aim Trainer): 2524-6026-4229 My Fav.
Mechanics Training V5: 2424-4344-7824
Aim + Mechanics: 1611-0113-8283
Aim Edit Piece Control & 1v1: 5112-1759-8096
Clix Aim Trainer: 5251-6106-7517
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